Designing with people is real magic.

Building stuff without people just doesn’t work. To land market fit, jab at intractable problems, and dig into what really moves the needle, bring design research into the mix (early & often!). As a design researcher, I work to understand the lived experiences and aspirations of people and communities. The results are powerful insights that give companies the magic they need to solve the right problems with clarity and confidence. I’m here to listen, elevate, synthesize, and transform. And together, we’ll like research :)



+ All things qualitative research

+ Customer interviews & ethnographies

+ Exploratory research to inform innovation processes

+ Co-design with people & communities

+ Inclusive design research trainings & coaching

The plural of story is insight.


Design Research is a way of seeing, learning, testing, and making things better for more people. As an evolving field, Design Research combines methods from anthropology, design thinking, human-centered design, and participatory action research to get at people’s lived realities and aspirations.

Design Researchers ask good questions, spend time hanging out with people in the places where they live, work, and create, and gather qualitative and quantitative data that gets as close as possible to their perspectives and pain points. We gather the stories, observations, and information and distill it into compelling insights that shape design.